Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?
日々頑張る女性に向けて 勇気や自信を与えられるようなアクセサリーをお届けしたい、
長年愛される名曲を身にまとい 心満たされるひとときをお届けしたい、
そんな想いをこめて 名付けました。
今日も明日もその先も、ありのままの あなたのままで。笑顔が輝く日々になりますように。
I've been playing the piano since I was 3 years old, and I'm still fascinated by it, and I wanted to capture the beauty of music in form! That's how I became an accessory artist.
The brand name has the meaning of "courage and confidence."
I want to deliver accessories that give courage and confidence to women who work hard every day.
I want to deliver a heart-satisfying moment with classic songs that have been loved for many years.
I named it with that feeling in mind.
Today, tomorrow, and beyond, be who you are. May your smile shine brightly every day.
Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.
作曲家が魂を込めて作った美しい芸術。その1曲が完成した時代を読み解くことで見えてくる景色や感情に 日本の伝統色を重ね合わせています。
そしてその色がより繊細に 美しく表現できる形状になるよう 納得がいくまで試行錯誤を繰り返し、時間をかけて完成いたします。
もとになった曲、色、形…一つひとつ じっくり味わい、眺めて 身につけてお楽しみいただけたら幸いです。
I begin by listening to the song that is the theme of the work dozens of times and taking notes about the historical background and my own inspiration.
A beautiful piece of art created by a composer with all his heart. I superimpose traditional Japanese colors on the scenery and emotions that emerge from understanding the era in which it was completed.
I then repeat trial and error until we are satisfied with the shape, which allows the color to be expressed more delicately and beautifully, and takes time to complete.
I hope that you will enjoy the songs, colors, shapes, etc. that are the source of this collection, taking your time to enjoy each piece, look at it, and wear it.
Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?
わたし自身 昔からアメリカンミュージックが大好きで、CDを買い漁っては片っ端から聴きまくる子供時代を過ごしてきました。
一方で、クラシック音楽を題材にした自分の作品は ニューヨークの方々の目にどのように映るのか…とても興味があります。
I've always loved American music, and I spent my childhood buying CDs and listening to them all the time.
On the other hand, I'm very interested in how my works, which are based on classical music, will be perceived by people in New York.
I hope you enjoy the richness of classical music and the beauty of Japanese colors.
Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?
フランスの作曲家 ドビュッシーの名曲 ”月の光”をもとに作ったClair de luneシリーズです。
側面から見た時と正面から見た時では 見える景色が異なります。
It's Clair de lune series, which is based on French composer Debussy's famous piece ``Light of the Moon''.
A AAA-ranked freshwater pearl is made to look like the moon, and its floating appearance in the deep night sky is captured in a sphere measuring just 8mm.
The scenery you see is different when you look from the side and from the front.
The sides express the clear night air, while the front expresses a deep moonlit night that stretches out forever.
This is a popular series that sold out within 2 hours even when sold online.
Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。
わたしのブランドに出会ってくださり ありがとうございます。
Thank you for coming across my brand.
This is a work of art that I am proud of, adding Japanese aesthetics to classical music that has been loved for many years, and carefully finishing each piece one by one.
I hope that we can bring a richness of tone to your daily life and a time that will soothe your soul.