SU accessory

Emi Suzuki


Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

きっかけは沢山ありますが、幼少期から手先が器用で、頭の中で考えた物を紙や粘土で形にするのがすきでした。                                     ファッションにも興味があり、アクセサリーが大好きでしたが、アレルギーがあり市販のアクセサリーでは付けると耳の調子が悪くなっていました。その後、アレルギー対応アクセサリーを自分で作れると言う事を知り、自分で作る様になりました。同じ悩みを抱えた方も沢山いると思い、色々なデザインでファッションを一緒に楽しんで欲しいという想いからこのブランドを立ち上げたのがきっかけです。最近ではウエディングアクセサリーも手がけています。自分の作ったアクセサリーでお客様が感動してくれた事が嬉しかったのと同時に、「もっと色々な方に手に取って頂きたい」という想いがあります。名前の由来は、シンプルに自分の名前から取りました。お客様に覚えてもらいやすく分かりやすくしました。

There are many reasons for establishing my brand, but ever since I was a child I was good at creating things with my hands and loved to create what I imagined in my head using paper or clay. I was also interested in fashion and loved accessories, but I have allergies and wearing commercially available accessories made my ears hurt. After that, I learned that I could make my own allergy-friendly accessories, so I started making them myself. I started this brand because I thought there would be many people who have the same problem as me, and I wanted them to enjoy fashion together with a variety of designs. Recently, I have also been working on wedding accessories. I was happy that my customers were moved by the accessories I made, and at the same time, I want more people to get their hands on them. The origin of the name was simply taken from my own name. And I have made it easy for customers to remember and understand.

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

デザインから製作まで、小さなアトリエで行っております。まずメインとなるパーツを決め、そこからデザインを決めていきます。仕入れるパーツは海外からのヴィンテージパーツを組み合わせたり、タッセルなどオリジナルパーツの製作もしております。 ウエディングオーダーの場合は、お衣装、ブーケ、ヘアスタイルに合わせてイメージで作っていきます。

Everything from design to production is done in a small atelier. First, I decide on the main parts, and then decide on the design from there. The parts I purchase are a combination of vintage parts from overseas, and I also make original parts such as tassels. In the case of wedding orders, I make it based on your image to match the costume, bouquet, and hairstyle.

Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?


I'm simply surprised and excited that so many people will take a look at my pieces! My heart dances when I think that my work will reach overseas from a small town in Japan! I've been vaguely thinking in the back of my mind that I'd like to sell my products overseas for several years, but I never thought this opportunity would come.

Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?



My favorite is the indigo dyed freshwater pearl. A while ago, I was able to import some freshwater pearls dyed with indigo dye. The town I live in, Tokushima, is a town known for its indigo dyeing, which is a part of traditional Japanese culture. "Japan Blue" is attracting attention all over the world. Originally, indigo dyeing is characterized by its bright and deep indigo color, but since freshwater pearls are dyed, the gentle indigo color is characteristic. I hope you enjoy this exquisite color of indigo dyeing and freshwater pearls that you won't find anywhere else.

Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。


I have no experience studying abroad, I have only been abroad a few times, and I am a housewife struggling to raise children, but I am very excited to see how many customers will recognize my accessories. I am truly grateful for this wonderful opportunity.



