Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?
I have been supporting Nagakan Dyeing Factory (English name: NAGAKAN), a Japanese dyeing factory with a history of more than 130 years, in the design of its website and other aspects of its work. NAGAKAN produces traditional dyed goods such as flags for Japanese shrines, fishing flags for fishing boats, and happi coats for Japanese festivals, etc. In the process of interviewing their production site, I developed a close relationship with Mr. Masaki Nagano, the president as well as the artisan of the company. In the midst of all this, the COVID-19 caused Japan to stop holding festivals and other events, and the demand for traditional dyed goods plummeted. I wondered if I could create a new product using these traditional dyed goods. As a cyclist, I came up with the idea of a cycling cap using a traditional Japanese dyed product, the cotton towel-like "tenugui" towel.
In introducing this product outside of Japan, I have named it simply "NAGAKAN CAP" with respect for NAGAKAN, which has wonderful artisans.
私は日本で130年以上の歴史を誇る染工場である永勘染工場(英名:NAGAKAN)のWEBサイトをはじめ、デザイン面でNAGAKANのサポートを行ってきました。NAGAKANは、日本の神社の旗や漁船の大漁旗、祭りの法被など伝統的な染め物を手がけていますが、その制作現場などを取材していく中で、同社の社長でありArtisanであるMasaki Nagano氏とも関係性が深まっていきました。 そんな中、コロナ禍により日本でも祭りなどが開かれなくなり、伝統的染め物の需要が激減しました。私としては何かこの伝統的な染め物で新しいプロダクトを作れないか?と考え、自転車を趣味にしている私は、日本の伝統的な染め物プロダクトである、コットンのタオル状の「手ぬぐい」を使ったサイクリングキャップが思い浮かびました。
今回、日本国外でこの商品を紹介するにあたり、素晴らしいArtisanたちを有するNAGAKANをリスペクトし、シンプルに「NAGAKAN CAP」と新たに名付けました。
Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.
NAGAKAN CAP is made of "Tenugui" carefully dyed by Japanese Artisans. NAGAKAN's "Tenugui" is made of "Chita cotton", the highest quality cotton in Japan.Tenugui" is used for a variety of purposes, including wiping off sweat. Also, when you are injured, you can use it to wipe off the affected area so we intentionally left the edge of the fabric unwoven to make it easier to tear. It is very suitable for cycling.
Since these tenugui are sewn using various places, in fact, there is no one CAP that is exactly the same. Furthermore, I believe that this product will be completed when you use it. By cutting the frayed parts by yourself and changing the color as you use it, it will gradually become your one and only product. I think this is a characteristic of tenugui, and at the same time, a good point of dyed products.
NAGAKAN CAPは、日本のArtisanたちにより丁寧に染められた「手ぬぐい」で作られています。NAGAKANの「手ぬぐい」は、日本で最も高品質な木綿である「知多木綿」(Chita cotton)を使っています。「手ぬぐい」の用途は多様で、汗をぬぐうのはもちろん、例えば怪我をしたときに患部を押さえるため、わざと布を裂きやすいように、布の周辺は縫いこみません。とてもサイクリングの用途に適しています。
Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?
Initially, this NAGAKAN CAP was intended for sale in Japan. This is why, despite being made using traditional methods, the design is not a traditional Japanese pattern, but a modern cycling-themed WIND, CIRCLE, and MOUNTAIN pattern. However, it is not always common to wear cycling caps in Japan, except for cycling lovers.
Upon research, it seems that in the U.S., wearing cycling caps is more common, and people wear them even after getting off the bike, or they have become a part of their fashion. There seem to be outdoor manufacturers as well as web-only brands specializing in cycling caps. Especially in New York City, there has been a recent reissue of the retro cycling caps that were popular in the 1970s and used by the Brooklyn cycling team. So NY is one of the city that is the most advanced in the world. , also diverse regarding cycling caps.
We wanted to challenge this competitive market because it was our first time to challenge an overseas market. How will our NAGAKAN CAP be accepted in the New York market? We are very interested.
当初このNAGAKAN CAPは、日本国内での販売を想定していました。伝統的な手法で作られているにもかかわらず、デザインは伝統的な和柄ではなく、サイクリングをテーマにしたWIND、CIRCLE、MOUNTAINのモダンな柄であるのはそのためです。 しかし、日本ではサイクリングの愛好家を除くと、必ずしもサイクリングキャップを被ることは一般的ではありません。
初めての海外市場へのチャレンジだからこそ、この激戦市場にチャレンジしたいと思いました。はたして私たちのNAGAKAN CAPは、NY市場でどのように受け入れられるのだろうか?とても興味があります。
Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?
This time, we selected mainly orthodox cycling caps, but we also prepared "tenugui (hand towel)" before it is sewn into a cap. It is common in Japan to wrap a tenugui towel around the head to absorb sweat and protect the head.
Some people who like Japanese products may think of traditional Japanese patterns when they hear the word "tenugui". If you have been to Japan before, you may possibly have one.
However, the patterns on NAGAKAN CAP are different from traditional Japanese patterns, with a cycling theme, monochromatic colors, simple brush strokes, and a little bit of roughness, which is unusual for a "tenugui" towel. We hope that both those who are familiar with Japan and those who are not will pay attention to this "tenugui" at this event.
しかし、NAGAKAN CAPの柄は伝統的な和柄とも違う、サイクリングをテーマにしながら色も単色でシンプルな筆致の柄で、ちょっとだけ粗雑さがある、「手ぬぐい」としては珍しいものです。 日本に詳しい方も、またそうでない方にも、是非とも今回の販売会で、この「手ぬぐい」についても着目して欲しいと思います。
Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。
Although the NAGAKAN CAP is a cycling cap, we think it is a cap that can be used not only by cyclists who ride sports, but also for a short walk or in daily life. We hope you will enjoy NAGAKAN CAP, which is made by traditional Japanese technique and derived from "Tenugui".
NAGAKAN CAPはサイクリングキャップではありますが、スポーツライディングするサイクリストはもちろん、自転車に乗っているときだけではなく、ちょっとした散歩や日常でも使っていただけるようなCAPだと思います。日本の伝統的な技法でつくられた、「手ぬぐい」由来のNAGAKAN CAPを楽しんで頂きたいと思います。