Atelier Tan

Koto Miyata

Chief Creative Officer


Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

I started my career as an artist after graduating from the Crafts Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts. I wanted many people to know about the traditional technique of metal forging, which I studied at university, so I added the character "Tankin(鍛)" to the name. Tankin(鍛金) = forging (a technique for processing by striking metal)

東京藝術大学美術学部 工芸科を修了し、作家としての活動が始まりました。 大学で学んだ鍛金(たんきん)という伝統技術を多くの方に知ってもらいたかったので、“鍛”という文字を入れました。

鍛金=Metal Hammering

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

Items are made by striking a single of metal sheet. The heated and softened metal sheet is placed on a "pad" that matches the shape of the object to be made, and is then hammered to form the object. This is a very time-consuming process because the shape changes only little by little. The inside of the "heart gulping cup" is covered with gold and colored foil to create a brightly colored finish. They are finished with a coating to prevent discoloration and peeling.

一枚の板を叩いて作ります。熱し柔らかくなった金属板を、制作する形に合った”当て金”の上に乗せ、金鎚を使い叩いて造形していきます。 少しずつしか変化しないので、とても時間のかかる作業です。“ハートのぐい呑み”は、内側に金箔や色箔を散りばめ、色鮮やかに仕上げています。 変色や剥離しないように、コーティングをして仕上げています。

Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

I am very interested in how people in New York feel about sake cups and accessories made with traditional Japanese techniques. In particular, I wonder if the "Heart-shaped Sake Cup" would be accepted by New Yorkers, since it is used for sake. Or, it might be received in a different way. I will be happy that people find it acceptable with various values.


Q4. Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

"Heart-shaped Sake Cup"

Atelier Tan(鍛) hopes that you will experience the new charm of metal through our works. Metal itself is inorganic and hard, but the warmth and softness of metal is created by the addition of human hands. The "Heart-shaped Sake Cup" is our most popular product, with a heart motif that conveys our feelings and a form that fits comfortably in the hand, bringing warmth and elegance to the dining table. The product has been featured in many magazines, TV programs, newspapers, and other media.



Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

Each product is made one by one using traditional techniques and taking a long time to complete. I would be happy if you could hold one in your hands and feel the warmth that only handmade products can bring!



atelier rooms
