ai ann

Yukino Tsuda

Embroidery Artist


Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

When my daughter was born, I started making things I wanted her to wear, with the initial concept of "things that make girls excited." The brand name "ai ann" is an anagram of my daughter's name, Aina. As her daughter grows up, the items I make gradually changed, and among them, the alphabet embroidery brooches I originally made for children became the basis of my product line. And now, I mainly make embroidered accessories. The reason I chose embroidery was I inherited my grandmother's embroidery tools.

娘が生まれて "女の子がキュンと上がるもの" を当初のコンセプトに、娘に着せたい物を作り始めたのがきっかけ。 ブランド名 ai ann (アイ アン)は 娘の名前 aina(あいな)のアナグラムでできている。 娘の成長と共に作るアイテムも次第に変わって行き、その中でも子供用に元々制作していたアルファベット刺繍のブローチを基に広がり、今では刺繍アクセサリーをメインに制作している。 刺繍を選んだのは祖母の刺繍道具を受け継いだのがきっかけ。

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

1. Decide on the shape I want to make.

2. Consider the color scheme while matching the embroidery threads.

3. Consider where to place the stitches and where to use beads or other different materials, and the number of threads to use (In many cases, I often decide the details while actually embroidering).

4. Once the design is decided, copy it onto the cloth.

5. First, embroider the design with threads (flat part to three-dimensional part). Adjust the way to embroider to make texture.

6. Embroider beads and other materials.

7. After finishing the embroidery, cut the cloth and fold the excess cloth into the back side of the embroidery with glue so that the edge is not visible.

8. Cut the lining (leather or synthetic leather) into the shape of the embroidery body.

9. Sew metal fittings to the lining

10. Attach the body and the lining with glue or sew on the lining, then all process is complete!

1. 作りたい形が決まる

2. 刺繍糸とすり合わせながら配色を考える

3. どこにどんなステッチをするか、どこにビーズなど異素材をもってくるか、糸の本数取りも検討(細かく決めず実際刺繍をしながら決まっていく事も多い)

4. デザインが決まったら布に写す

5. まずは糸刺繍していく(平面的な部分→立体的な部分) - 力の入れ具合できゅっとしまったりふわっとしたり表情が出るので調整しながら刺していく

6. ビーズや異素材の刺繍をする

7. 刺繍を終えたら布をカットし、余分な布を接着剤で刺繍の裏側に折り込み布が見えないようにする

8. 裏地(革や合皮)を刺繍本体の形にカット

9. 裏地に金具を縫い付ける

10. 接着剤で本体と裏地をくっつける、又は縫い付けて完成 !

Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

In the U.S., where I personally do not have a strong image of fine handmade crafts such as hand embroidery, I wanted to know how the design quality of "ai ann," a uniquely Japanese delicate embroidery work, would or would not be accepted in New York, where people with high sensibilities gather.

手刺繍のような細かいハンドメイドや手工芸のイメージがあまりないアメリカですが、感性の高い人が集まるニューヨークで日本ならではの繊細な刺繍作品、ai ann のデザイン性がどのように受け入れられるのか又はそうでないのか知りたいと思ったから。

Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

"Marukutsu-Tsunagaru Wreath Brooch"

Peaceful wishes in a round shape. This design has been ai ann's most popular product since it was exhibited as a new work in the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. This piece, which uses Indigo-dyed thread originally dyed for the ACJ exhibition, is special item this time!


丸い形にピースフルな願いを込めた作品。このデザインは2020年コロナ禍の中、新作として出品してからずっとai ann の人気作品です。中でもACJ出品用にオリジナルで染めた藍染糸を使用したこの作品は、今回のスペシャルです。

Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

ai ann creates hand-embroidered accessories based on the concept of "accessories that add color in everyday life and lift your spirits." For this event, in addition to our usual items, we have also designed accessories made of two materials that reflect authentic Japanese high-quality materials.

"Indigo-dyed thread":We dyed our original embroidery threads with indigo dye, which has been passed down as a Japanese tradition for hundreds of years since the Edo period.

"Nishiki-ito":Lame thread made in Japan for hand embroidery, carefully crafted using the technique of gold thread used for Kimono in Kyoto.

We used these threads and incorporated them into ai ann's design. We hope you will enjoy wearing Japanese traditions in a cute, fun and casual way, and feel the quality of hand embroidery.

ai ann は "日々の彩りのひとつとなり気分の上がるアクセサリー" をコンセプトに手刺繍による刺繍アクセサリーを制作しています。 今回はいつものai ann作品に加え日本の "いいもの" に触れて頂きたく、それを意識した二つの素材のアクセサリーも展開しました。

《藍染糸》 江戸時代から何百年と日本の伝統として受け継がれてきた藍染をオリジナルで刺繍糸に染めました。

《にしきいと》 京都の和装に使われていた金糸の技法を生かし、丁寧に作り上げたMade in Japanの手刺繍用のラメ糸これらを使い、ai ann のデザインに落とし込みました。





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