Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?
I had been working as a designer for a fashion manufacturer, but I had many doubts about mass production and consumption, restrictions for the sake of high-volume production, and many other things.
In such circumstances, I started to create artworks during the period when I spent more time at home in the Corona disaster. I wanted to create large pieces to be exhibited in public art exhibitions, and I taught myself “Luneville embroidery. “
Through the process of creating artworks, I learned the joy of creating freely, one by one, with my own hands and without restrictions. I also started to make accessories by using the small voids and loss of fabrics in the process of making large pieces.
I named my brand after my own name, saiko. (with the meaning of "work created from me").
これまでファッションメーカーのデザイナーとして勤務してきました。 大量生産大量消費、量産するための制限、様々な疑問を持っていました。 コロナ禍に自宅で過ごすことが多くなった時期、作品制作始めました。 美術公募展に出品する大きな作品を制作したくなり、リュネビル刺繍を独学で取得。 ひとつひとつ自分の手で、制限なく自由に作る事の楽しさを知りました。
大きな作品を制作する過程での生地のロス部分、小さな隙間を利用して アクセサリーも制作するようになりました。
ブランド名は自分の名前saikoから名付けました。 (自分から生み出された作品)
Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.
Basically, accessories are created in the process of creating a work of art.
The technique is embroidery. It is mainly called Luneville embroidery (haute couture embroidery), which is a French traditional embroidery technique. Using a crochet hook, beads and sequins are stitched one by one.
No two pieces are alike, as the embroidery is done by inspiration, without any drafts.
技法としては刺繍。主にリュネビル刺繍(オートクチュール刺繡)という フランスの伝統刺繍技法です。 クロシェというかぎ針を使いビーズやスパンコールを一針ずつ刺していきます。
Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?
When I heard about the exhibit, I thought, "This is going to be fun!" and I was excited. It's only been three years since I started creating artworks, but I have a desire to show them to a wide variety of people.
出品のお話を頂いた時、楽しそう!というワクワクがありました。 作品制作を始めてまだ3年目ですが、 とにかく色々な方に見ていただきたいという思いがあります。
Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?
The works is basically one of a kind. A brooch that can also be used as a necklace. A brooch like a charm. They can be used with a variety of outfits and are highly recommended.
作品は基本的に一点物となります。 ネックレスにもなるブローチ。お守りのようなブローチ。 様々な装いに合わせて使うことができるのでおすすめです。
Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。
Art pieces and accessories born from a unique spark. I hope you will find your favorite one, and I wish you to have a good encounter with my work.
唯一無二の閃きで生まれたアートピースとアクセサリーです。 ビビッ!とくるお気に入りをみつけてもらえたら嬉しいです! 良き出会いがありますように。