Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?
When I made a pouch by tearing and knitting a cloth that I had slept with and a dress that I had worn out, a new texture was created and I was very attracted to it. at that moment, I felt intuitively that "I want to bring out the charm of “cut cloth" more." and that was the begin. "toromeco" is a combination of my name and my favorite sound. It is a nickname with a meaning that you want to be familiar with. The theme of tmy line, "for natural comfort ...", is made with the idea that the cutting clothes will bring you to ... something that is comfortable and important for each person.
出番がなく眠っていた布や着古した思い出のワンピースを裂き、編んでポーチを作ったとき、まるで息を吹き込んだように新たな風合いが生まれとても心惹かれました。その瞬間、「 "裂き布"の魅力をもっと引き出したい」と直感したことが設立のきっかけです。"toromeco"は私の名前と好きな響きとを合わせた言葉。親しみをもってもらいたい意味の愛称です。テーマにしている"For Natural Comfort…"には裂き編みが人それぞれの気飾らず心地よい大切な何か…に寄り添えたら、という思いを込めています。
Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.
It starts with cutting cloth. cut the cloth a little with scissors and tear it in one go. All of them are made by hand and take time to make the cloth. The texture of the cloth is different from that of the original material, and it is revealed by the tear. Contrary to the feeling and the sound of the tear when you cut it, the cut cloth, which has an amazingly soft and delicate expression, is pulled together to make a tassel, or knitted with a crochet to make various accessories, corsages, scrunchy, etc. The cut fabric goes well with antique and vintage laces, beads and buttons that have been around for a long time. It is used to bring out the charm of this item. this item is knitted steadily, and the fine tailoring is carefully hand-sewn.
Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?
I have had more opportunities for people from overseas to see my works through sns, but I thought it would be a great opportunity for people to actually touch our works, not photos. I wanted to know what kind of impression people in New York have about my works because the way of "tearing" which has been handed down from old times in japan and the view of the world created by tearing cloth are especially sophisticated. I would be happy if you could see my works by actually touching them.
Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?
If this is your first time to touch the cutting cloth, I would especially like you to look at the tassel earrings and the hoop earrings. I think you can feel the soft and unique texture of the cut cloth simply. It is the appearance of ripped cloth that naturally melts as if the adjacent ripped cloth opens their hearts and talks. You can enjoy a unique view of the world with the delicate fray of the edge of the fabric and the balance of the materials.
Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。
The soft texture of the cut fabric and the combination with the material are made with an exciting feeling, and the comfortable image is carefully made. I would be happy if you could touch it, wear it and share the feeling.