
Tomohisa Noguchi



Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

I came across fish leather during my graduation research at university. In the course of my research, I learned that many leather products have been produced in the pursuit of cheaper and better, resulting in products that have a heavy burden on the environment. In order to create environmentally friendly fish leather, we established our brand with an emphasis on "sustainable manufacturing that does not waste the blessings of life."

We added one letter "to" to the word "魚々(toto)" which means fish, to create a more prosperous future where "fish and us can" coexist.


魚を指す “魚々”(とと)という言葉に1文字 “と”を加えて、 “魚々と” 私たちが共存する、より豊かな未来を創っていくという思いを込めて名付けています。

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

1. Get the skin of the fish (we get the discarded skin from fish stores, etc.)

2. Trim the fish (trim off the flesh and fat from the skin, as the fatty flesh oxidizes and causes a fishy smell).

3. Salting (the skin, which contains a lot of water, quickly spoils, so it is salted and stored dry)

4. Degreasing and bleaching (the skins are soaked in a degreasing and bleaching solution to thoroughly remove the fat and bleach out any stains or color that still remains on the dry-preserved skins)

5. Tannin tannage (vegetable-based tannin is infiltrated into the fish skin and processed into leather)

6. Dyeing (the finished fish leather is dyed to the desired color and processed into finished products)

7. Straining and cutting (fish leather is strained (thinly shaved on the reverse side) to make the thickness even, and then cut to the size of each product).

8. Sewing (fish leather is carefully sewn together, stitch by stitch)

9. Finishing (the cut edges after sewing are polished and painted repeatedly for ease of use and beauty)

1. 魚の皮を頂く(魚屋さんなどから廃棄される皮を頂きます)

2. 身を削ぐ(脂身が酸化すると生臭さの原因となるため、皮についた身や脂を削ぎ落します)

3. 塩漬け(水分が多く含まれる皮はすぐに腐ってしまうため、塩漬けにして乾燥保存する)

4. 脱脂・漂白(乾燥保存していた皮にはまだ脂分が残っているため、脱脂漂白用の液に漬けてさらに脂分を徹底して除去し、同時に汚れや色を漂白していきます)

5. タンニンなめし(植物成分のタンニンを魚の皮に浸透させてレザーへと加工します)

6. 染色(出来上がったフィッシュレザーをこだわりの色へ染め上げ、製品へと加工していきます)

7. 漉き・裁断(フィッシュレザーの厚みを均一にするため漉き加工(裏面を薄く削る)をし、製品ごとのサイズに裁断していきます)

8. 縫製(フィッシュレザーを1針1針丁寧に縫い合わせます)

9. 仕上げ(最後に縫い合わせた後の切口「コバ」を磨いて塗装を繰り返し行い、使いやすさと美しさにこだわります)

Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

We felt that many people would sympathize with tototo's sustainable manufacturing and brand concept.


Q4. Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

"Watch belt"

It's because it is easier to feel the beauty of the unique look of fish leather by wearing the beauty of fish scales.



Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

At tototo, we value manufacturing that considers the next 1,000 years of people and the sea. We hope you will take our products in your hands and feel their texture.



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