Fuminori Imura



Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

1. We wanted to change the image of plastic, which is often seen as a negative environmental issue (the problem is how to dispose of it).

2. We wanted to create a system to upcycle acrylic, which was sold in large quantities as partitions to prevent Covid pandemic, instead of turning it into garbage after use.

3. We wanted to make products that are attractive and unprecedented by taking advantage of the unique characteristics of waste and scrap materials.

"SHITSURAE" is a word used mainly in the tea ceremony and Japanese architecture, meaning "to prepare for hospitality." We thought it would be a good fit for the brand image of "preparing scraps and discarded materials and turning them into products to entertain our customers."

1. 環境問題でとかく悪者とされているプラスチックのイメージを変えたかった(問題は廃棄の方法)。

2. コロナ対策のパーテーションとして大量に出回ったアクリルを使用後ゴミにせずアップサイクルする仕組みをつくりたかった。

3. 廃材・端材にも特徴があり、それを活かし今までに無い魅力的な製品を制作したかった。

SHITSURAE(シツラエ)とは主に茶道や日本建築で使用する言葉で『もてなすための準備を整える』といった意味があります。 『端材・廃材を整え製品化しお客様をもてなす』という意味でブランドイメージにぴったりでした。

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

We create motifs using materials that are no longer useful and scraps that are inevitably left over. Without coloring the motifs, the colors and textures of the materials and their accidental overlaps are used to breathe new life into the motifs as accessories.

役目を終えた素材やどうしても出てしまう端材でモチーフを制作しています。 あえて着色等はせず素材の持つ色味や質感、偶然できる重なりを活かしアクセサリーとして新しい命を吹き込みました。

Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

We wanted to see if our work would catch the eye of New Yorkers with a high level of sensitivity.


Q4. Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

"All items"

All items are highly recommended as they are one-of-a-kind. Ear accessories are especially recommended because the acrylic material is very light and easy to use.



Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

"Not trashing things is fun!" is the concept behind our efforts to develop products that are friendly to the earth and loved by everyone. We hope you will like our products.



norico iwanaga


thermo mug