
Yuko Fujita

Designer Craftsman


Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

I have been interested in leather since I was a child, and in my 20s I worked in a custom-made shoe atelier because of my interest in leather products and my desire to make a career out of making things.

After the birth of my son, I took a break from shoemaking, but I kept my desire to make something with leather. While I was raising my child, I had an opportunity to make a leather brooch for a friend who was also child-rearing, and I remember how happy I was that she was so pleased with it. Zenco was born out of my desire to make leather products that people could wear easily and that would bring a smile to their faces every time they saw them.

My maiden name was Zen. Zen has the meaning of "good." Each piece is a "child (co)" of "mine (Zen)" that I lovingly create, and it is my wish to deliver "good pieces" to our customers.

子どものころから革が好きで、20代には革製品への興味と「物づくりを仕事にしたい」という思いからオーダー靴の工房に従事していました。 息子の誕生を機に靴からは遠ざかりましたが、革を使って何かつくりたいという思いをずっと温めていました。

子育てに邁進する日々の中、同じく子育て中の友人へ革でブローチを作ってプレゼントしたところ、すごく喜んでもらえたことがとっても嬉しくて。 大好きな革を気軽に身につけて欲しい、そして目に入るたびに笑顔になってもらえる物づくりをしていきたいという想いからZencoがはじまりました。

私の旧姓が”善(Zen)”でした。 善には「良い」という意味があります。 どの作品も愛情をこめて生み出している「私(Zen)の子(co)のような存在」であり、お客様に「善い個」をお届けしたいという願いがこめられています。

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

The design is developed based on the color and texture of the leather itself, and I create a paper pattern. Small leather parts are cut and layered on top of a base of nume leather, and finally the outlines are cut out. The majority of the process is done by hand using a cutter instead of a dieboard, which results in lively lines. I use an original technique to create a flat surface like an illustration, but with a sense of depth in the layered leather.

革のもつ色や質感からイメージをふくらませてデザインし、型紙をおこします。 ヌメ革の土台の上に、小さな革のパーツを切って重ね合わせ、最後に輪郭を切り出していきます。抜型を用いず、ほとんどの工程をカッターを使って手で切り出すことで、いきいきとした線がうまれます。 イラストのように平面的で、それでいて重ねた革の奥行きを感じられるように仕上げるために、オリジナルの技法を用いています。

Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

It is exciting to imagine Zenco, born in a small room in Japan, crossing the ocean. I do want to present Zenco to as many people as possible in New York City, where a wide variety of people and cultures gather.

日本の小さな部屋から生まれたZencoが、海を渡るなんてそれだけでワクワクします。 多種多様な人や文化が集まるニューヨークで、純粋にたくさんの人に見てもらいたいと思いました。

Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

"Gecko, guarding the house."  Frogs (safe return).  Seahorses (to bring happiness to the family).  This is because, in addition to the unique design and cutwork characteristic of Zenco, they can be worn as a good-luck talisman.

"ヤモリ(家を守る)”  "カエル(無事に帰る)”  "タツノオトシゴ(家庭円満、幸福をもたらす)” 


Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

The brand concept is "leather accessories that make someone you meet today, or yourself in the mirror, want to look twice." "Leather" is a material born from animals, so I try to make it as waste-free, careful, and beautiful as possible. I use leather to create designs that make you smile as soon as you see them. I would be happy if many people could pick up my products.

ブランドコンセプトは「きょう出会う誰かが 鏡にうつる自分が 思わず2度見したくなる レザーアクセサリー」

目に入るたびにくすっと笑顔になるデザインを、革で仕立てています。 たくさんの方に手に取ってもらえたら嬉しいです。
