
Accessory Creator


Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

I studied product design at university, and after graduation I was involved in space design and branding jobs in Tokyo. In 2020, I made up my mind to establish my own brand - I started everything on my own. It all started as a hobby while I was on maternity leave after giving birth. Currently, I am working as an accessory creator, concentrating on ODELE.

The brand name "ODELE" is a coined word that is a cross between "MODE" and "SIMPLE.


ブランド名の「ODELE/オドル」 は「MODE」と「SIMPLE」を掛け合わせた造語です。

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

ODELE has eliminated the element of color in its designs, and expresses its view of the world using only monotone colors. Although the elimination of color is a scary thing when designing, the emphasis is on form and balance, so the question of "what should be the main subject?" becomes more clearly and I feel that I am able to face with the design more deeply.

Also, ODELE has many items using vintage buttons from all over the world. I search for rare buttons from all over the country by myself, purchase only the ones I am satisfied with, and fabricate them by hand one by one. There are many items that are difficult to increase production because of the rarity of the buttons, but for better or worse, I feel happy because I can only make items that I really love.

デザインする上でODELE は色彩という要素を削ぎ落とし、モノトーンのみで世界観を表現をしています。色彩をなくすことはデザインをする上で怖いことですが、フォルムとバランスに重点がいくことで「なにを主役にするか?」がより鮮明になり、私自身とデザインとの対話を深く行う事ができている気がします。

またODELE は世界中のヴィンテージボタンを使用したアイテムも多く、全国から希少なボタンを自らの足で探し、納得いくものだけを仕入れ、一つ一つハンドメイドで加工して取り入れています。希少なボタンも多く増産が難しいデザインも多々ありますが、良くも悪くも本当に好きなものだけを作らせていただけているので幸せに思っております。

Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

About 10 years ago, I visited New York by myself, not knowing what was right or left. The design, art, music, culture, and atmosphere of the city I encountered there were all fresh experiences for me in Tokyo. I wondered how ODELE's products would be perceived by people in such a special city like New York. With high expectations and out of curiosity, I decided to participate in this exhibition.

10年ほど前、右も左も分からないまま単身でニューヨークに訪れたことがあり、そこで出会ったデザイン、アート、音楽、カルチャー、街の空気感などは、東京にいる私にとって全てがフレッシュな経験でした。そんな特別な街NYではODELE のプロダクトはニューヨーカーにどう映るのか期待を込めて、好奇心からの出展にいたりました。

Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

"swirl" is one of ODELE's representative works.

The pattern of multiple rings spreading out around a swirling button is as powerful as a whirlpool, and has a profound beauty. The bottom ring gently sways like a ripple on the surface of still water, making a pleasant sound. We hope you will enjoy this sound as well.

It is a recommended item because it has great impact and will be the star of your coordination, as well as being easy to match with any outfit.




Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

Now with the addition of team members, we are creating accessories that can play a leading role in coordination, reflecting modern real clothes, based on the concept of "Color up your days with Monochrome". Although our accessories are colorless, we hope they will become the color of your daily life.

現在はチームスタッフも加わり「モノクロで日常を彩る」をコンセプトに現代のリアルクローズに反映させコーディネートの主役にできるアクセサリーを制作しています。 色彩のないアクセサリーではありますが皆様の日常の色となれば幸いです。


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