Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?
When I was in the fashion department of art university, I wanted to pursue original expression in the fabric, so I was fascinated by the characteristic of thin and translucent fabric called organdy when I was doing material experiment, and I made three-dimensional work imitating costume and human body with organdy which was dyed and heat-processed by myself. I thought that the transparency and the fine density of the colors when dyed, which are characteristic of organdie, are very beautiful, and I set up kokoiro with the hope that not only large scale works but also small palm-sized works will feel the delicate charm of the fabric. 'kokoiro' is written as '心色- heart colour' in kanji. when I wore the item, the transparent part of the fabric was transparent to the skin, and the light colored part was seen floating, and I thought it was like the "color" of the person appeared from the body, which is the origin of the brand name.
Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.
This product uses chemical dyes to dye the organdie of the chemical fiber and heat treatment to shrink a part of the surface of the fabric, creating a unique foam-like density and roughness. While looking at the natural expression of the fabric created by heat, it is cut out and made into jewelry parts, so it is sold as a piece of jewelry that does not have the same color.
Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?
I was invited by the arcade japan, who had looked at my online shop, and I was invited to exhibit my work this time, but I would rarely have such an opportunity, and I was thinking of releasing my work overseas one day, so I decided to take on the challenge in the New York market.
私のネットショップを見てくださったthe ARCADE JAPAN の関係者様からお誘いいただき今回出展させていただく運びとなったのですが、こんなお話をいただけることは滅多にないだろうし、いずれは海外で作品を発表したいと考えていたので、今回思いきってニューヨークの市場で挑戦してみようと思いました。
Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?
I would like to recommend the choker series which has several kinds. this is a gorgeous piece with kokoiro's organdy all over the neck, and this is my first time to make it. The edges of the organdie parts are carefully sewn together with gold thread. the glittering curve of the gold thread is a work that challenges a new expression that brings out the charm of the colorful and pale atmosphere of organdy.
Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。
I have never been abroad, and i was looking forward to going there at the arcade japan this time, but due to the spread of the covid-19 infection, i decided not to go abroad this time. even so, I am honored to be able to meet all of you through my work, and I am glad that I took the plunge to participate in it, thinking that my work will reach someone in a distant country. kokoiro's works are all unique and attractive in color, shape and texture. I have a wide variety of designs ranging from bold jewelry to delicate and understated jewelry. I hope you enjoy choosing one of your moving works
私は一度も海外へ行ったことがなくて、今回の The ARCADE JAPAN で現地へ行くのを楽しみにしていたのですが、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響もあり、今回は渡航を断念することとなりました。それでも、作品を通じて皆様にお会い出来て光栄ですし、遠い国の誰かの元に作品が届くと考えると、思い切って参加してよかったと感じています。