Kagann jewelry

Kagann Jewelry

Chie Isogai, Designer


Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

The reason for the establishment is actually related to new york. because of my bony and flamboyant features, I don't look good in delicate and simple jewelry that is popular in japan. When i went on a trip to new york, i saw women walking boldly around the city wearing big and colorful jewelry, and i thought, "that's nice.". After that, I wanted to make jewelry that I wanted to wear, so I started making jewelry with simple designs by myself, and then I learned how to carve and stone clasps from an artisan and started making jewelry in earnest. kagann comes from the word "hanagao (crouch)" which means "a flowery face" in japanese. I hope people who wear my jewelry will become beautiful.

設立のきっかけは、実はニューヨークに由来しています。私は骨太で派手な顔立ちのため、日本で流行しているような、華奢でシンプルなジュエリーが似合いません。そんな時、ニューヨークに旅行に行った時に、街中を歩く女性たちが、カラフルで大きなジュエリーをつけて堂々と歩いている姿を見て「素敵だな」と思ったのです。それから、自分がつけたくなるようなアクセサリーやジュエリーを作りたいなと思い、独学でまずはシンプルなアクセサリーの制作を始め、その後、職人の元に師事して彫金や石留めを習い、ジュエリーの制作を本格的に始めました。Kagann とは、日本語で「花のように美しい顔」を意味する「花顔(かがん)」という言葉から由来しています。私の作ったジュエリーを身につけた人々が美しくなってくれますように、という願いを込めています。

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

I make almost all the process by myself. the pierced earrings on display this time are made by a technique called wire work, mainly using a metal called 14KG, which is resistant to allergies. Also, the rings are mainly made of silver 925 and carved in metal, and they are all done by me from forming to stoning and finishing.


Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

As I mentioned before, I started making jewelry because of New York trip. also, many of my favorite movies and dramas are set in New York, which I had longed for for a long time.


Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

This is a series of pierced earrings with jingling natural stones, named "chandelier piercing" which will be exhibited this time. since the bare metal part is made with thin wire, it is light and easy to use even though it is large. It is popular when it is worn to make your face look gorgeous. in addition, because it uses a lot of genuine natural stones, it is colorful but can also be used elegantly by adult women.


Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

Nice to meet you, this is kagann jewelry.  It's going to be a hot season. Please wear colorful natural stones and have a happy and sunny day.

はじめまして、Kagann Jewelryです。これから暑くなる季節。



Hitomi Hashimoto

